Head stock repair

I’ve been picking up some repair work lately so I thought it would be interesting to show this one. In a previous posting (Cedar Classical Update 2) I discussed the neck/head joint and this repair illustrates clearly my reasoning.

The yellow line shows where the scarf joint is, which is ridiculous as you still have short grain running across the head in one of the most vulnerable places hence the breakage. The position of the break is where the joint should have been and if it were, this breakage would not have happened; my method of construction stands up even better!

I’ve not played a factory guitar for a while; this one cost its owner £350 four years ago and was made in Canada. I put new strings on and couldn’t believe the lack of volume and how lifeless it was in comparison to one of mine. When its owner collected it he was pleased with the repair and then told me how good it sounds. You pays your money, you makes your choice................
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